Decided to go to the Planting Fields Arboretum State Park again this year on the Easter weekend because it really is quite a nice place that's close to our home. What's different this year is that there's Cody and that Cadi can walk by herself now. Since Cadi didn't want us to carry her while we were in the park, that meant she walked on her own for a large portion of the time. Later that night, while sleeping, Cadi woke up crying. When Joy asked Cadi why is she crying, she pointer her hand to her legs. Guess what? She walked so much during the day that her legs were hurting. You know, it's like how your muscle feels sore when you don't regularly exercise and decided to do too much of it in one day. This was her first long walk by herself after all.
Our first stop in the park, the greenhouse. I would have liked to stay in the greenhouse longer but the weather was pretty warm that day and being inside the greenhouse made it even worse so we didn't. And Cody sweated like his dad did, which is quite a bit.
Slipper orchid.
Don't remember what this was. Think it was a type of cactus (top view).
Cadi likes to help out people carrying out various types of tasks. This was one of them.
Unlike last year, the cherry trees were blossoming this time we went. Had to take photos before this beautiful tree.
Not sure what Cadi thinks she is doing. Using umbrella to rake leaves?
Got a whole series of photos taken on the open ground that I liked very much. Had a hard time deciding what not to post as they all were somewhat similar and yet different per Cadi's expression in each. Love, love, love the two dual-toned photos of Cadi.
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