
小小's 1 year old birthday party

This is the first birthday party that Cadi and Cody attended.  Since I didn't want to bring my big camera, I used Joy's Canon S95 digital point and shoot.  This little camera has gotten good reviews but since I have been using a DSLR for so long, I just didn't feel very comfortable using it.  My gripe with digital point and shoot cameras has always been that they are slow to shoot, the Canon S95 is of no exception.   But really, it isn't fair to compare a digital P&S to a DSLR.  Besides, having never really used any other digital P&S and having just started using this camera, I'm not in a position to judge this camera...yet.  :)

This is the birthday girl, nicknamed 小小 (Little Little).  I don't remember the real reason for her nickname but she really is very small compared to other children of her age so this nickname suits her perfectly.  :)  As you can see from the decors on the wall, 小小 turned 1.

We did not have an elaborate birthday party for Cadi when she turned 1.  So I took this photo.  When Cadi asks in the future, I can say "Yes, mommy and daddy gave you a very nice birthday party when you reached the age one.  See this photo for proof."  =D

All these kids are sort of close in age.  Cadi is the oldest.  Second oldest is the girl on the left side of the table.  Third is "Little Little".  Fourth is the boy, Thomas, on the right side and Cody is the youngest here.  Even though Thomas is the second youngest, he is bigger than all but Cadi.  He's a 100 percentile baby.  Finishes drinking his formula in one shot.  I wish Cody can do that.

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