
Finally, some Cody photos

It's been a little over two months since Cody was born, thanks to this 4 day holiday weekend, I finally have a chance to put some photos of Cody (and Cadi of course) up.

Some updates.
Cadi is starting to speak better now. She very occasionally is able to imitate the words we say and she seems to "sing" sometimes now.
Cadi loves:
* To go up to our house's second floor.
* To wear only a single adult's slipper and walk around the house.
* Her grandma and grandpa and brother.
* To eat (still).

She does not love:
* To wash her hair.
* To change diaper.
* To be alone.

Cody is quite different from Cadi in terms of feeding, sleep and awake schedule. Cadi was very regular since the start, not so with Cody. As a result, Joy and I have been sleep deprived for quite a while now. One new thing about taking care of Cody is that one has to be careful changing his diapers or shower him as there is a chance that you'll be attacked with shooting pee.
Cody loves:
* Staying awake and not let his parents rest.
* Falling asleep several times before finishing drinking his milk.
* Move his arms and legs.

Cody does not love:
* Can't think of any right now.

Cadi has always liked her little brother since he came home from the hospital. This is the first day that Cadi saw Cody.

Cadi finishing her shower waiting to get clothed.

Joy's mom came her for a week and brought Cadi two pairs of the walking shoes. This is first time Cadi trying it on.

I LOVE Cadi's look in this photo.

Joy and Cody is inside the room with the closed door. Cadi really wanted to go see Cody (I think) and had to resort to checking what's going on inside by peeking through the gap under the door.

You can see how much Cadi loves her brother here.

A rare look from Cody that was a signature of Cadi.


FangYu said...

they are so cute! cadi is getting very expressive!!!

LOVE LOVE LOVE The glass frame! whose was that?

Caber said...

It's a Harry Potter glass frame. Given as a gift when one of the HP book was bought (thanks to Karin).