
2010 Cadi and Cody last batch

Three months have past since my last photo posting. It's probably the longest time that I've not posted anything. But you know, having a baby who does not have a regular sleep pattern and who drinks slowly will take a lot of time away from you. (Yes, Cody, I'm talking about you.) The good news is that Cody FINALLY started to sleep through the night after 4 months and his drinking speed has improved a little.

After some complaining from Joy, I've finally finished processing the last batch of 2010 Cadi's and Cody's photos. And while I'm at it, I've also started on the 2011 photos. So the next update should be much quicker than 3 months. =D

Cadi has picked up a couple more words now but they are still all single syllable words that are pronounced twice. My mom also started to potty train Cadi and had seen a couple of successes. A photo of Cadi sitting on a toilet is coming up in the 2011 album. :)

Cadi likes to take her shoes and socks off whenever she gets a chance. We eventually replaced the ones in this photo with ones that she can't take off easily. Her hands gesture here means "No more shoes and socks" and you can see she's happy without them. :)

I'm sure most children like to explore. This is part of what Cadi does when there's no one watching her.

Stool from Ikea. She pulls them out whenever she's brushing her teeth. She has 6 of them as of now.

One can never be too young to start racking leaves.

The first of a couple BIG snow blizzard that we received in NY in 2010. Joy and I couldn't get to work that day and right after our failed attempt of trying to go to work, I took Cadi out for her first snow experience. In this photo, Cadi almost fell because of the strong wind blowing against her.

She didn't know what 'snow' was at first but she grew to love it after a while. She loved it so much that when I wanted to bring her back into the house, she started to scream.

Cadi and Cody's Christmas presents, Crocs shoes, from their aunty, Camy. Pink is for her and yellow is for him. Cadi should be able to wear hers within a year? Based on the size of the yellow ones, we don't know when will Cody be able to. They are BIG. -_-

There aren't that many photos of Cody at this time and still won't until Cody can start moving on his own because that's when the fun starts. One running and one crawling around the house? I can't wait.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tres interessant, merci