
Cadi coming out

After 9 months, Cadi finally decided to come out. Here's how it happened.

While I was working, Joy called to tell me she thinks her water broke. When Joy called the doctor, the doctor told her to stay put since her contraction wasn't that regular yet but when Joy called her cousin, her cousin told her to go to the hospital right away. Thanks to her friend, Emily Tsai, Joy was able to get to the hospital much sooner than had she waited for me to get back home from work.

When I arrived the hospital, Joy was lying in bed and in pain due to the contraction. Since we hadn't finalized on the baby's name yet, we started discussing and "Cadi" is what we decided to go with of course. :)

After an hour or so, a doctor from the hospital decided to give Joy epidural to relieve her pain.

After the epidural is given, Joy was able to rest for a bit without pain.

And even smile for me. Oh, btw, the hospital doctor took 3 tries to succesfully insert the IV needle into Joy's arm. Poor Joy.

Joy's doctor finally came to the hospital at around 9pm or 10pm.  And about an hour later, he said it's time to go into labor but there was a problem.  Because of the epidural, Joy has lost the sensation to push the baby out too.  Joy's doctor stopped the epidural but it took around two hours for the anesthesia to fully lose it's effect and so the first two hours of Joy in labor moved the baby very little.  When the epidural fully faded, that was when Joy felt the painfulest pain that she has ever felt but it was only because of that pain, Joy was able to push Cadi out into this world.  And here are Cadi and her mom.

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