
Steve Jobs passed away

Steve Jobs, Apple's cofounder, passed away at the age of 56 today.

I got my first PC when I was 13 or 14 years old. It was a DOS only machine. Then Microsoft Windows came out and I have been on that operating system ever since.

In 2003, I decided to purchase my first Mac, a 12" Powerbook. I purchased it mainly because in my opinion there were no other portable computers out there that looked better than the Mac's design and because OS X seemed to fit my needs for having a good graphical user interface and is an Unix-based operating system. Although much slower now, this computer is still in use today for web browsing and watching youtube by my mom.

After I bought my first Mac, I started to follow the company because I was always curious to know what Apple would do for its next notebooks. Overtime, as I have learned more about Steve Jobs, the more respect that I have for him. I truly believe that Apple is what it is today because of his leadership and now that he's gone, I'm wondering if I'll be able to see another person that will do what Jobs did for the technology, music and mobile industry. I certainly hope so.

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