
Cadi - 7 Months

It's snow day in new york. Public schools are closed. Too bad Cadi does not go to schools yet, otherwise, I'm sure she'll be very happy.

Cadi is almost 8 months old now. We discovered yesterday that she knows how to roll over now. Since it's only Cadi's first day doing that, it was actually quite funny to see her facing up (we usually put her facing down) after we leave and come back to her room.

This is what I call "greed".

Just woke up, not sure what is going on.

Not sure if you can tell, but Cadi has the giraffe's entire head in her mouth.

Cadi watching TV with Joy.
Cadi watching her mom eat, begging for some. Mommy refuses to give any.
Cadi acting on her own.

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