
First big 2009 NY snow day

In the spirit of NY's first 2009 big snowy day, here's a photo of a house and tree lit up by the reflected street light. :)


Cadi (6 months)

Took Cadi to her 6 months checkup recently and she cried the heck out of her life the moment that she enters the elevator. Hilarious. She cried so hard that she didn't even seem to feel the two needles that went into her.

Being six months old, Cadi can sort of sit on her own, not very steady yet but she can hold her position for a while.

Smiling and starting to lose her sitting position.

Cadi's first Christmas present from her aunty. Will probably open it on Christmas day. Thanks so much, aunty Annie.

Acting cool and all that wearing a new jacket.

Wishing every one happy holidays.


Cadi (more of 5 months)

Cadi turned 6 months old.  So I'm posting some more recent smiling photos of her but before we do that, we shall see a photo of Cadi crying out loud.

Cadi is quite afraid of strangers (not good) unlike Sydney (on the right, a friend's baby of similar age), who's quite calm. The story is that Cadi didn't start crying until she saw Sydney's dad.

But this and the other smiling photos at my web site are proofs that Cadi does smile a lot when she sees familiar faces.

Cadi does break dancing. Maybe she'll be on "So You Think You Can Dance" in the future.

Finding a way to watch the TV behind her. Quite impressive.

A sequence of Cadi picking up her pacifier and losing it. She recently began picking up her pacifier and stuff it in her mouth, sometimes the right way, sometimes not. :)

Took Cadi out for a walk for the first time. Took her to Waldbaums first (cried) and then to a little park. This photo is me showing Cadi her dad is STRONG. (No, it was really tiring having extra 20 pounds on me).


Cadi (4~5 months)

Cadi is starting to become a fun "toy". Started to smile, making funny sounds and does funny moves. Unfortunately, photography is a still form and it can't really capture motion and certainly can't capture sounds. Even though we bought a camcorder (by Joy's order), I'm not really into videography. Maybe when I get the new generation of DSLR that has the video capture ability. :)

Cadi started to smile a while ago but it has been hard to capture it as every time she sees the camera, she just stops smiling and looks at it dumbfoundedly. LOL. So I'm happy to finally have a good smile photo.

She also started to grab things a while ago. It's a bit hard to tell in this photo but there's my hair in Cadi's hand and she's really pulling it HARD.

Fingers in the mouth, part of growing up for most (if not all) babies. Any thing that goes near her mouth, she'll start licking. Very funny. :)

Started feeding rice cereal and oatmeal to Cadi. This is the look every single time after feeding.

I title this one "無動於衷" (translates to "unmoved"?).

Love Cadi's "shocking" expression here. :)


Misc. stills

Now that I have been posting nothing but Cadi for the last 3 months, it's time to dig out the few non-Cadi photos. =D

Ya, fire alarm.

A budding plant. Believe it's ginger.


Sniff, sniff. Guess who's sick?

Well, it's Cadi. On 9/25/09, I started noticing a different sound coming from Cadi's breathing and the next day, Cadi started to have mucus coming out from her nose. So 9/26/09 marks the official first day that she catches a cold. To celebrate her first cold experience, in addition to posting 2~3 months old photos of Cadi, I'm going to post the most recent ones as well.

Cadi needs her pacifier to fall asleep. Without it, it's practically impossible. And Cadi has a pretty strong neck already. We say she's a turtle when she does that.

Two new photos of Cadi and mommy.

Don't think sitting is good for the baby right now but when she sits up, it's just so darn cute.


Cadi turning 3 months old

Yes, Cadi's 3 months old now.  She's certainly heavier, taller and much much louder than before.  She also smiles quite a bit now. As usual, there will be photos of her but just not now.  I recently upgraded my Mac OS to 10.6 (Snow Leopard) so I've been reinstalling all the programs I have (Mac OS X is awesome btw  ^^). 

However, there is one new photo of Cadi that I found to be hilarious that I just wanted to show it first.  Here it is.

Cadi's latest expression of "What ya looking at, huh?" (left) vs. her 1 month old expression (right). I think it's just too cute. Haha~


Cadi turning 2 months old

Cadi turned 2 months old couple days ago. She's now 11 lb. 15 oz., close to double the birth weight. And to celebrate, I'm going to finally post some photos from a month ago when she turned 1 month old. :)

We'll start with her finishing take a shower and preparing to get dressed in several outfits.

Outfit #1

Outfit #2

Outfit #3

Outfit #4

Outfit #5

So which one is your favorite outfit? :)
And we'll finish off with a more recent photo (from a week ago).

Chubby Cadi.


Cadi turning 1....month old. =D

Cadi turned 1 month old yesterday and this officially ends Joy's 1 month postnatal home imprisonment as well and today she went out for the first time since she came back from the hospital. She feels good now. :)

Before Joy's mom left, we celebrated Cadi turning 1 month old by buying her a cake (even though she can't have any) and have her change into a couple of new outfits. Those photos will come later. Today, I'm posting photos of Cadi being 2~3 weeks old. Oh, and we went to see the pediatrician today. Cadi went from 6 lb a month ago to 9 lb 3 oz and no more jauntis. We did our job in the past month. =D

Cadi is a pretty strong baby I think. Her kicks are especially powerful. Doesn't she look like she's doing boxing here?

The "What da heck are you doing" stare.

Cadi, the mummy. Wrapping her tightly worked wonders when we wanted her to go to sleep but I get the feeling that she's beginning to not like this.

Joy's mom and cousin, Maggie. Don't know where Maggie learned to do the thing on her head (she said it appears in Korean dramas). We think it's so cute that we want to put the same thing on Cadi. Cadi's head is a bit small but the towel thing still looks cute on her.


Cadi coming out

After 9 months, Cadi finally decided to come out. Here's how it happened.

While I was working, Joy called to tell me she thinks her water broke. When Joy called the doctor, the doctor told her to stay put since her contraction wasn't that regular yet but when Joy called her cousin, her cousin told her to go to the hospital right away. Thanks to her friend, Emily Tsai, Joy was able to get to the hospital much sooner than had she waited for me to get back home from work.

When I arrived the hospital, Joy was lying in bed and in pain due to the contraction. Since we hadn't finalized on the baby's name yet, we started discussing and "Cadi" is what we decided to go with of course. :)

After an hour or so, a doctor from the hospital decided to give Joy epidural to relieve her pain.

After the epidural is given, Joy was able to rest for a bit without pain.

And even smile for me. Oh, btw, the hospital doctor took 3 tries to succesfully insert the IV needle into Joy's arm. Poor Joy.

Joy's doctor finally came to the hospital at around 9pm or 10pm.  And about an hour later, he said it's time to go into labor but there was a problem.  Because of the epidural, Joy has lost the sensation to push the baby out too.  Joy's doctor stopped the epidural but it took around two hours for the anesthesia to fully lose it's effect and so the first two hours of Joy in labor moved the baby very little.  When the epidural fully faded, that was when Joy felt the painfulest pain that she has ever felt but it was only because of that pain, Joy was able to push Cadi out into this world.  And here are Cadi and her mom.