
Taiwan trip photos

My wife and I stayed in Taiwan for 2 weeks. It started raining the day we got there and it rained consecutively for 4 or 5 days so besides running errands we basically went nowhere in the first couple of days. This was a big disappointment in our measly vacation. However, the weather for the rest of the trip was pretty cooperative and I guess I should be thankful for that.

You can view the entire album by clicking the blog title but here are a few from the trip.

P.S. Noticed this is the my first 2008 album. Just goes to show you how winter in NYC makes me lazy. =D

Wild dogs are common in Taiwan. I love the expressions on these two. Don't they look related to you?

A store selling various types of buns that had people lined up waiting to buy. When we see people line up, we do too. We bought 20. LOL. I like the bun a lot but do not think the meat inside was the greatest that I've ever had. Maybe other fillings are better.

Can you believe it? This is the FIRST time that I tried the super duper popular "Super Spicy Hot Pot"? Thank you, my dear cousins, for bringing me there.

I love this photo. I name this "Friends".

This may not look it but it's probably the best tasting "Do Hua (豆花)" that I've ever had.

These figurines are cute, arn't they? Except the blue one, which I think look too much like a 殭屍 (sort of like zombie in Chinese legends). Would probably scare me if I see it out at night.

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