Facebook, while I don't find it that essential, it's certainly one of the most popular web site on the Internet. So when I received a comment suggesting me to add a Facebook button, I decided I'll add one. Not only are the blog posts shareable through a couple social networks now, I've also added the FB 'recommend' button to the albums on clearcubic.com.
I thought adding a FB 'like' button would be easy but that turned out to be not completely true. While the process of adding a normal 'like' button is fairly simple, I learned that there are several ways to do that and depending on which method you choose, what happens on FB can vary after a user clicks the button and that part confused me for a while. Anyhow, the 'Recommend' button is now on clearcubic.com photo albums and I just want to have a blog entry on the date that I added this feature, 4/23/2011.
Oh, and while in blogger.com today, I found out that blogger introduced a new way to view blogs. I thought the new ways are pretty cool. Use the following links to check them out.
New Views To Read Blogs - http://clearcubic.blogspot.com/view/