
Food Incident

Pop Quiz

What is the BLUE object in the photo on the left?

1. Type of Food
2. Type of Poison
3. Food Decoration
4. UFO (Unidentified FOREIGN Object)
5. Rubber Band

Answer: I would say it's a combination of  2, 3, 4 and 5.

Yesternight, Joy was nice enough to boil some dumplings and veggies for me as my dinner.  Shortly after I started eating, Joy said "Sorry, you know how pregnant lady are very forgetful."  and she pointed at the blue band in the photo.  That is the rubber band that ties the veggies together in the supermarket and Joy has forgotten to remove one of these and boiled them together.  So what did I do?  I removed the rubber band and continued to eat.  Gosh, I certainly feel healthy today.


Georgia Aquarium

Found these unposted photos taken back in 2006. Went to Georgia on a business trip and company took us to the Georgia Aqaurium after work. It is supposed to be the world's largest aquarium but I remember it did not take us that long to finish walking the entire place. :)

To view the entire album, click on the title of this blog entry.

Did some one say "crowded"?

small fishes, BIG fish.

And many, many fishes.

This looks like a dancing lady to me or just some one saying "HI"!

I believe these are piranhas. They sometimes are portrayed as terrying fishes in movies. While they may be, here, I think they actually look kind of cute.